We’re still doing stuff!

We have taken this time to retool, reorganize, refurnish, and realign our practice. We will have new content on our personal sites some day but in the meantime join us for our casual Thursday afternoon chats via Zoom. Some random images from the past week at the studio.

I finished [some of] my taxes! Janet sometimes leaves me notes.
ArtFulfill recently acquire the Rocket Porta Via espresso machine. It packs up into its own road case with all of its accessories other than a coffee grinder! I doubt this product was never meant to be sold at a profit or at high volume and the manufacturer incorrectly sells it as a weekend getaway espresso machine for rich people. In reality, it’s a performance art prop or something that we could use at trade shows. Imagine a forester or a photographer setting up at a forestry or wedding trade show (respectively . . . ?) and instead of having booth walls covered in displays and brochure stands you met a forester or photographer and he or she just had a conversation with you while making you a cappuccino.
Still a bit messy but we’ve been tidying up in the studio. Our friends at RGO hooked us up with half a dozen Steelcase Universal storage cabinets with five out of six going into the studio and it kicked off a tidying frenzy. Now all of the lighting and electrical equipment used for shooting in the studio is right next to the shooting space and we’ve been able to move most of my unstructured special “projects” into carefully organized bins out of sight.
Janet borrowed her sister’s ukulele and has been practicing on it. MY DOG HAS FLEAS! =)
And Janet doing an art fulfillment project of her own. Our studio has been slowly adding a number of decommissioned enterprise class workstations and upgrading them for modern tasks. She’s going from her ten year old 12core, 3.2GHz PCIe 2.0 machine to a [currently] 16 core 3Ghz PCIe 3.0 machine with the ability to upgrade to 512GB of memory and 24 cores/48 threads with all cores utilized at 3.2Ghz for very little money. The machines we look for support DDR3 fully buffered memory as this is being sold off by data centres for a dollar or two per gigabyte and a lot of Janet’s work is memory intensive. Furthermore, using computers with dual sockets allows for easier heat dissipation; instead of all cores on a single chip that generates 225+ Watts of heat the cores can be spread across two sockets with usually no more that 150W per socket and much more room to move air between them. The result is a computer with the computational power of a current Mac Pro for over $10,000 less.